Businesses You Can Run from a Storage Unit

self storage for businesses

Everyone knows you can’t live in a storage facility. While we’ve heard crazy stories about how people turned storage units into living spaces, it’s highly unsafe. 

But can you run a business from a self-storage Dubai unit? In short, it depends.

While self-storage units primarily serve as an extra storage space, they can come in handy as excellent facilities to spread your entrepreneurial wings.

From starting an eCommerce store to running a photo studio, what can be done using a storage unit facility is practically limitless. In this article, we’ll look at just some of the businesses people are running from their storage Dubai units. Let’s get right into it.

eCommerce Store

eCommerce has never been more lucrative. According to Statista, there’s a significant increase in online shopping. It is estimated that over 2 billion people purchased at least one item online in 2020 alone.

Online stores are increasingly becoming a gold mine as businesses now embrace this model to meet their consumers’ demands. The thought of not being physically present before purchasing any items encourages people to embrace online shopping. And, of course, now is the best time to tap into the market.

Using warehouse storage Dubai facilities to start or expand your eCommerce store is a great and cost-effective way to run your business. You can also consider employing the retail model to maximize your profit. This way, you can purchase items at low prices from other stores and sell them at slightly higher prices. However, regardless of the business model you practice, your storage unit facility offers an ideal space to store your products.

Creative Agency

When you think of self-storage units, we guess you’re probably picturing tight little spaces filled with old and dusty items. You may likely be right about some storage Dubai units out there.

But the truth is there are many businesses you can run from storage spaces. And creative agencies are one of them.

Whether you’re running an art studio or brand agency, storage units are a fantastic solution to kickstart or grow your creative agency business. Not only do they provide a serene space for your work, but they also ensure you feel secure with easy 24/7 access to your business equipment.

What’s more, storage units can scale up and down with your operations as they offer a wide range of sizes – from small walk-in closet sizes to warehouse storage Dubai units and more. 

Confectionary Store

Everyone loves the delight of a confectionary store, and renting a storage space is a great way to have one of your own. However, it’s highly recommended to rent a climate-controlled storage Dubai unit to ensure your confections stay safe from temperature fluctuations. 

With climate controlled-storage spaces, confections like cake toppers and sugarcraft models can be sold to happy customers without the scare of deterioration. All you need are a few decorating tools, light bulbs, and a table to display your confections.

Event Management and Services

Running an event management business from a self-storage Dubai space may seem daunting, but it’s actually doable.

With a clean and secure storage space, you can have just enough room to set up a workspace to consult potential clients while saving items for upcoming events. As your inventory increases, you can declutter to give more space in your storage facility or consider renting more storage spaces.

Photography Studio

Renting out a building for photography can be costly and is why many photographers set up shop using self-storage Dubai spaces. Featuring clean and secure facilities, self-storage units provide a haven for seasoned professionals and amateurs to shoot great photos without disruption.

Not only do self-storage spaces double as an office for editing, but they can also serve as a safe space to store outdoor photography equipment.

Electronic Store and Repair Shop

If you are good at refurbishing electronics and have a storage space you never use to store anything, setting up a repair store is a great idea. You can put the vacant spaces in your storage facility to good use by setting up workshops and equipment. 

Setting up an electronic store is another business you can run from your self-storage Dubai unit. However, setting up one requires using climate-controlled units as standard-storage units may result in exposure to temperature and humid fluctuations. With an air-controlled unit in place, you set up a moment sale or carefully curate electronics to sell at a great price without fear of corrosion.

Wrapping Up

Has this article given you any inspiration on businesses you can run from a self-storage Dubai unit?

Perhaps you need a standard storage unit to store some inventory or an air-controlled unit to store your photo equipment. Not only are self-storage units incredibly convenient to use, but they also give you a safe space to protect your inventory from theft.

If you need a storage solution for your business, call a storage solutions provider that can meet your needs.

At Vachi Storage, we offer a range of standard and climate-controlled storage solutions for entrepreneurs needing self-storage Dubai solutions. All of our storage units are well lit, clean, secure, and available in a wide range of sizes for whatever you need to store. If you have questions or want to know more about our storage solutions and what you can store, please contact us today.

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